China and Russia

Both China and Russia have long been powerful adversaries of the United States. There is now a delicate balance between mutual coexistence and a resumption of cold war tensions. China is building a formidable military system and has made threatening statements against the United States. Russia is helping Iran develop nuclear facilities.

In April 2009, a national counterintelligence executive reported that Chinese cyberspies have penetrated deep into the U.S. defense network, banking sector, and electric grid. Counterfeit Chinese routers and chips may have even been incorporated into U.S. military aircraft. The bottom line: with specially programmed counterfeit chips, an adversary could have the ability to disable a system any time it chose.

Adversarial countries are banding together against us because they hate our way of life and seek to destroy us. Even South American countries that used to be our friends are forming alliances with China and Russia.