Globalists versus Nationalists

Differences in political ideology are polarizing the citizens of the United States. The differences have been present for many years, but until recently, the checks-and-balances system of government has kept one side’s agenda from overwhelming the other. Now the balance of power is one-sided, and the dominant group is rapidly promoting their agenda; the opposition is almost powerless and is unable to stop them. Many of the dominant group’s new policies, regulations, and laws are alienating the citizens of the opposing group. The two groups are not what you might first suspect. It is not Democrats versus Republicans.

Members of the dominant group call themselves progressives and are sometimes referred to as statists. Both terms are vague and misleading. Progressives believe it is the government’s responsibility to solve social problems and establish fairness in the distribution of wealth not only within the United States but throughout the world. They cross party lines, some being Democrats, others Republicans.

A broader, more descriptive term is globalists. Many globalists believe in a socialist one-world order. They envision a central government for the entire planet, usurping and replacing the power of all other governments, including the United States. In their view, nationalism is just a step in the evolution of civilization. They believe a one-world government is the wave of the future. They reject social Darwinism and believe in an all-powerful government, socialism, and redistribution of wealth.

Over many years, globalists have infiltrated positions of power both in government and in the financial arena, with intermingling between the two entities. Globalism is not a new phenomenon. The idea has been promoted for over a hundred years. Woodrow Wilson (founder of the Federal Reserve and the League of Nations) and Theodore Roosevelt were progressives. Currently, globalists control or strongly manipulate all branches of government, including the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the presidency, and are influential in the Supreme Court. They have the majority to change or manipulate laws to their favor. It has been a slow process, but they have finally become powerful enough to push forward their agenda at a furious pace and cause great consternation among the nationalists.

Globalists now control most of the media, especially newspapers and television. They manipulate the news, so that the public mainly hears stories favorable to their agenda. Stories favorable to the opposition are frequently suppressed. Talk radio survives as a dominant voice for nationalists, and globalists are working hard to pass a fairness doctrine to suppress it.

For many years, globalists have also controlled the educational system from kindergarten to colleges and universities. Courses favorable to their agenda have been encouraged, while courses favorable to nationalists, including civics, have been suppressed. Many nationalists have homeschooled their children to prevent them from being influenced by globalist teachers. Teachers with a nationalist bent have been ridiculed or ostracized by the majority.

Since the late 1990s, the progressives (globalists) have encouraged lower mortgage standards and urged banks to give loans to people with reduced credit ratings in order to promote their social agenda of redistribution of wealth and an increased standard of living for everyone. This was the beginning of the current economic crisis. Whether they were too shortsighted to anticipate the economic catastrophe resulting from their actions, or whether it was part of a broader agenda to cause the catastrophe and allow them to later gain more control—“A good crisis should never go to waste”—is a matter of debate among nationalists.

Globalists have reached such power and influence in government that in May 2009, the government-sponsored MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) issued a report entitled “The Modern Militia Movement,” which stated that anyone protesting illegal immigration, supporting antiabortionists, or even supporting Congressman Ron Paul (a staunch nationalist) might very well be a member of a domestic paramilitary group and therefore a potential domestic terrorist.

Nationalists, on the other hand, believe in the sovereignty of nations. They support the original Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights and believe these documents created a nation that has surpassed the wildest dreams of their authors. They promote self-reliance and the right of each person to reap the rewards of his own labor. They believe in individual freedom and rights and that people have a right to bear arms and to protect themselves from tyranny, be it from foreigners or from their own government.

They are frustrated with the loss of jobs to globalization. They are becoming increasingly angry about the deteriorating economy, increasing taxes, and the lowering of the standard of living. They blame the government for causing these problems. Nationalists believe globalists have purposefully gutted the economy with the intent of creating a crisis that will enable them to pass laws favoring socialism and globalism.

The conflict between globalists and nationalists is based not only on political but religious ideology as well. A significant percentage of nationalists have strong religious convictions and feel that globalists are against all organized religions.

These tensions may escalate and reach a boiling point. Unless the two groups work out a mutually agreeable compromise, there is every possibility of civil disorder and even more serious consequences. A possible tipping point might be if globalists try to rescind individuals’ rights to bear arms. Nationalists believe they will then be at the mercy of their government or any other power that wants to control them. They are determined not to let this happen.

These ideological differences may cause devastating consequences for the country and may open the door for other adversaries of the United States to enter the fray for their own gain.