Ideological Threats


From Radical Islam to Russia and China, the world stage is a very volatile and uncertain place. Explore this section to learn about some of the most serious threats we currently face.

Click on the links below for a discussion of current events and how these trouble spots may result in terrorist attacks, conventional or NBC warfare, or other disaster situations.

World Trouble Spots

  • Radical Islam
  • China
  • Russia
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Pakistan
  • Venezuela
  • Globalists versus Nationalists


We hope that learning the history of past disasters will instill in you the knowledge and foresight to realize that we are always at risk for natural and man-made catastrophes. We encourage you to keep up with current world and national events. Doing so is necessary for you to predict the future and to understand that those who prepare in advance are the most likely to survive.