
MAGPI offers the following services to assist you in your disaster preparedness program. The first two services are offered free of charge as a public service.

Disaster Education

In order to understand the risks we face in this uncertain world, you need to know the history of past disaster situations. Our Disaster History section (A Dangerous World) will inform you of the various types of disasters (both natural and man-made) that have occurred in the past and you will learn that both types seem to repeat themselves with some regularity. This section is adapted from Dr. Raven’s book, A Dangerous World.

Vulnerability Test

This test is designed to determine your overall vulnerability to most disaster situations: There are 20 questions each with multiple choice answers. Choose the answer to each question that best describes your current situation. For each question, each possible answer is assigned a number (in parentheses) that will be used to calculate your total score on the test. When you have finished the test, add all the points assigned to each of your answers. The total will be your MAGPIE Vulnerability Test score. The higher your score, the more vulnerable you are to disaster situations and the more likely you are to die, be seriously injured, suffer extreme stress, develop post-traumatic stress syndrome or just be very uncomfortable. The lower your score, the less vulnerable you are and the higher your chances are of survival. The test is offered to all viewers of this website free of charge. Just Click on the “Free Vulnerability Test” link button above.

The MAGPIE Preparedness Scale Score and Next-Step Advice Service

After you have taken the MAGPIE Vulnerability Test, you may want us to assist you in your disaster preparedness program. If you elect this service, our staff will rank you on our MAGPIE Preparedness Scale and offer recommendations and advice about which steps to take in order to rise to the next level of preparedness. The MAGPIE Preparedness Scale takes into account both the level of preparedness and the length of time your preparations will last. At no extra charge, we offer the option of considering your financial commitment to your program and offering budgetary advice regarding how much to commit to each category of preparedness. Just tell us how much you are willing to spend to increase your level of preparedness. We will also send detailed information about each of the subjects covered in the vulnerability test. Our fee for this valuable service is a modest $30.00.