Vulnerability Test

Congratulations on your decision to take the MAGPIE Disaster Vulnerability Test. It will quantify your ability to avoid death, injury, or just plain miserable living conditions in the event you are caught up in a major disaster, either natural of man-made. We offer this test free of charge as a public service.

Your vulnerability test score will be calculated from the answers you provide to the questions. The questions are grouped by category. Each category will have one to eight questions. The categories are emergency backpack, food storage, water supply, shelter, medical preparedness, and miscellaneous.

The MAGPIE Vulnerability Test

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1. Do you have a three-day emergency backpack or “bug-out” bag?

2. Have you started a food storage program?

3. Have you started a water storage program?

4. What is the source of your water?

5. Where do you live?

6. What is your residence type?

7. Do you have a secure area at home (where you can safely hide your goods and yourself/family)?

8. What type of heating fuel do you use for your home?

9. Do you have a backup heat source for your home?

10. Do you have a generator or alternate power source (solar, hydroelectric, wind)?

11. Do you have one or more alternate lighting source available (oil/battery lamps)?

12. What kind of system do you have for sewer and waste disposal?

13. Do you have a serious chronic disease or disability?

14. Do you have a supply of necessary prescription and OTC medications?

15. Do you have a supply of personal hygiene products for at least one month?

16. Do you have cash available in case your bank closes?

17. Do you have emergency transportation in case you need to evacuate the area?

18. Do you have emergency communications equipment?

19. Do you have camping gear and readily available clothing for hostile environments (insulated underwear, rain gear, overcoat to match the climate)?

20. Have you had a basic training or hunting safety course in the use of firearms?

Do you have any questions or comments about this site? If so, please list them in the space below.

Would you be interested in a physician-based advisory service specializing in medical preparedness? This service would be particularly beneficial to those with existing medical conditions. Dr. Raven has agreed to provide this service is there is a demand for it.